We are Dementia Diversity

We believe that by working together we can deliver services and build communities which make daily activities easier, more enjoyable and more accessible to people living with dementia

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We’re here to support people living with dementia and the professionals working with them

Dementia has an impact on more than just the person living with dementia

If you need support and advice, we’re here for you

Older Black Man

Myself or someone I know has been affected by dementia

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I work with people living with dementia and/or their carers

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Stories from our communities

Read about the experiences of people who are living with dementia

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Share Your Story

If you are living with dementia, or work with people living with dementia, we would love to share your stories here. Hearing about how other people are meeting their challenges goes a long way to encouraging and motivating someone who may be looking for answers

We welcome stories from individuals who want to tell their personal story or organisations who want to share what they are doing with a wider audience. Please send us your story and we will publish it here

For tips on writing your story click on the Read More button.

Dad's last days were enjoyable and fun, he became more sociable and looked forward to his Group on a Thursday

P.K was an 93 year old gentleman with dementia who was referred to us by his social worker as he was very isolated and lonely even though his daughter lived very near. The first time he arrived at the Group he was in a wheelchair and it was quite a job to get him and the chair through the doorway. P.K was quite a character and had a great sense of humour and was known to cheat a bit to let the young lady, who was doing her enrichment sessions with us, win when we were playing games particularly dominoes. The rapport between them was a joy to watch with both of them coming out of their shells over the weeks.

Within a couple of weeks P.K. refused to come in with his wheelchair and marched with purpose supported by his sticks on the way in and out. Sadly, around 3 months after he had started coming to our 'Mindful Moments' Community Group, he developed a chest infection and was admitted to hospital where he deteriorated very quickly and passed away at the beginning of the year. We miss his cheeky smile and comments but were encouraged when his daughter thanked us for making his last few months so enjoyable. It reminded me that it's the little things we do that can make such a difference to the lives of other people.

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